The Very First Experience

The Very First Experience

Anything first time we have done or we got first time become special for us. No one can ever forget the first thing they did, the first thing they got, the first thing they said, or the first thing they lost.

I still remember the first time I wrote a line. The line was "Mom, Am hungry give me milk" . I wrote it and told my mom and sister. They made fun of me and my inability to write ended at that point itself.

Do you remember the first time you got wet in the rain? What else gives you more pleasure than walking in the rain? The smell of that fresh soil and that cool breeze.Now don't look outside. It is summer. There is no chance of any rain.

I remember jumping into the river for the first time. Lot of water used to go inside. No one taught me how to swim.I learned to swim and dive by drinking water in the river. We used to jump on to the flowing river in heavy rains. Without any judgement. At times, dead animals used to float up. But never felt anything gross about it.

I remember writing a letter for the very first time. I still don't know whether it was love or just an infatuation. I waited for a reply from that film star, but the only result was disappointment.

I remember winning a district competition for the first time. It was caroms. We won the doubles championship two years continuously. It was called as Ever Rolling Trophy. If you win three times, you can get it as your own. But for two years it was placed alternately in the glass cupboard at my home and school. Due to some reasons, I was not able to participate in the state competitions.

Then I bought a bike for the first time. I had not driven a bike till then, and I was trying to drive a bike for the very first time on the day of delivery. I had learned to drive in Bajaj Chetak, so I was not aware of how to shift gear in bikes, that too with my foot. They switched on the bike and gave it to me . I drove it in the first gear till home. 

I remember driving a van like this for the very first time. It was offered by a driver from my father's office. After that I learned to drive in the Ambassador car. That time it had gears attached to the gear steering. I remember that while driving we were going  to fall from a Mountain. I had put my foot on the accelerator instead of the brake. I didn't do anything else. The pain of the driving teacher holding my ear, is still there.

I went for MRI for the very first time. I had a severe headache for two weeks. Pain was not going away, even if someone kicked in my head. Finally, the doctor told me to get MRI. My wife was sitting outside and crying.

As soon as I entered the room and heard that loud sound, I lost my control. Luckily nothing was found. Now also I always try to avoid MRI somehow.

It was like this, when I got the injection for the very first time.At that time, there was no separate syringe for everyone. They used to heat up the needle over fire and used to inject the next person. The scar of that injection still remains on my hand.

If I continue writing my first experiences, then it would become a long story. 

So let me stop here.

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